Recruitment & Job Vacancies

If you would like to advertise for recruitment with the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM) to reach its members and wider online audience, please read our advertising rate card on the Booking Form HERE

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We are looking for an Accounts Assistant/Legal Cashier

We are looking for an Accounts Assistant/Legal Cashier. Our small but busy accounts department are looking for someone to work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on a full-time basis (7 hours/day, 21 hours/week). There may be additional hours in the future.

We are looking for a Freelance Legal Cashier

We are looking for a part-time experience freelance legal cashier to assist with legal accounts jobs approximately 3 to 4 days per week, the role would suit someone self employed who has spare capacity and some flexiblilty within there working week.

Advertise your vacancy

Advertise your legal finance/management vacancy on the ILFM website